Project Reference
Active Distribution Grid Management
A decentralized approach for the management of flexibility options
Facing the energy transition, decentralized renewable sources of energy as well as decentralized consumers can lead to congestion situations both horizontally at the transmission grid level and vertically within the areas of distribution grids.
Grid-supportive flexibility is a solution to mitigate such congestions. In order to roll-out a standardized process for congestion management, Austrian DSOs (distribution system operators) conducted the project Active Distribution Grid Management (ADGM) in early 2020 in order to test if the existing data communication infrastructure can be re-used to offer and activate flexibility, to simulate typical congestion scenarios, and finally to visualize the impact on involved asset managers and grid operators.
This paper presents the ADGM project results and how it is applied to a distribution grid congestion scenario. It specifically shows how a distributed flexibility management process is implemented.
English version:
German version:ührung.pdf