Entries by Michael Merz


This is my report on ETCSEE 2024 in Budapest with 600 attendees from the power and gas sectors. Focus is here on inhibitors in gas trading and the (impeding) variety of clearing and settlement services.

Österreichische Energiegemeinschaften

Austrian energy communities have proliferated dramatically over the past two years. The reason is not only the pioneer spirit of the early movers but also a facilitating regulatory environment.

Mehr Redispatch wagen

PONTON entwickelt die IT-Plattform DA/RE für TransnetBW. Sie beseitigt Netzebenen-übergreifend Engpässe auf allen Netzebenen.

Thomas Sonnenberg joins ACER REMIT Expert Group

We are excited to share the news that our colleague Thomas Sonnenberg has been selected to join the ACER REMIT Expert Group on Wholesale Energy Market Data Reporting and will advise ACER on transaction and fundamental data reporting.

Video on Grid Supportive Trading

Michael has produced a video on his intellectual brainchild – Grid-supportive Trading. This market design aims at a 2030 situation with 10-15 Million electric vehicles in Germany, 300-400 GWp renewable generation capacity, and a drastically increased likelihood of congestion in the power grids.

AS4 Marktkommunikation

PONTON is a data exchange expert for over 20 years. For the German market communication, we adjust our software PONTON X/P to the German variant of the AS4 communication protocol.

Why NOT Blockchain

Michael Merz has uploaded a new video on Blockchain technology. This time, it is even more critical than ever before.