PONTON 2024 Offsite

At PONTON, we have a cherished tradition of spending offline time together as a whole company, taking a break from work and screens. This annual offsite event allows us to bond, reflect, and plan for the future in a relaxed setting. This year, we chose Travemünde as our destination, and we spent two wonderful days there. Although Travemünde is not far from our office in Hamburg, it offered a refreshing change of scenery and an amazing atmosphere. It also allowed our colleagues to go there by bicycle or local train. 

During the day, we held several sessions and discussions about our company’s current status, team dynamics, and future aspirations. These sessions fostered a deeper understanding of PONTON’s direction and how each of us can grow within the team. One particularly interesting activity was when each team created a short video to introduce themselves and showcase their creativity. The results were funny and captivating, proving that even an IT company can produce engaging and entertaining content. 

Another highlight of the offsite was the “Something with Energy” session. We covered a variety of topics, including electric cars, installing balcony power plants, heat pumps, electric battery storage, and more. These discussions were enlightening and showcased our collective interest in sustainable energy solutions. 

The primary purpose of PONTON’s annual offsite event is to give every team member a unique opportunity to learn about the company and their colleagues in a different setting. While we interact and exchange ideas during meetings and lunches at the office, the offsite event allows us to get to know each other on a deeper level, especially with colleagues we don’t usually work with directly. 

Below, you can watch a short interview with our General Manager, Tilo Zimmermann, and Michael Merz, sharing their thoughts about the offsite. 

We are truly grateful to be part of PONTON, where each of us has the space to grow together.